CBD Edibles Guide

CBD Edibles Guide

Many people are taking CBD for things that range from mood disorders to arthritis pain. Children are sometimes giving CBD for epilepsy because it helps with seizure activity. For kids, CBD gummies are a great alternative to the drops because it seems like candy to them and it also helps you know more accurately how much they are getting. The best CBD edibles are available online or in shops now. Thankfully, CBD is legal nationwide and is giving more people options in states that haven’t yet legalized marijuana.

Even in states with medical marijuana laws in place, many people seek the best CBD edibles to help control pain and anxiety instead of marijuana because the laws haven’t kept pace with the medical marijuana industry and employers can still fire you for not passing a drug test. CBD gummies are also something that you can carry in your pocket, keep in a desk drawer and take without being obvious to others that you’re taking your dose to help you with a chronic condition or pain. It affords more anonymity of those who are trying to fly under the radar.

How To Know If CBD Edibles Are High Quality

There are so many brands of CBD products on the market right now that it is very difficult for most people to have any idea if they are getting a good product or not. Some of the things that you’ll want to know are:

1) is it hemp seed oil or really CBD oil (hint – there’s a big difference)

2) Do they have a third-party analysis that you can see?

3) Is this a CBD isolate or full-spectrum product and how does that impact the way it works?

Let’s tackle these one at a time!

  1. Hemp seed vs CBD oil – You will often find products that claim to be CBD oil, the label it says hemp seed oil. CBD comes from hemp. Hemp seeds come from hemp. They don’t contain CBD though. Hemp seeds have the lowest concentration, very close to zero, of any part of the plant. CBD oil is generally extracted from the rest of the plant. Hemp seeds are used for salads, shake additives and are very healthy but they don’t have CBD oil in them for that type of benefit. Hemp seed oil is full of omega 3, 6, and 9 oils and is also high in protein. It is considered more healthy for you than flaxseed oil and has cardio health benefits that are outstanding. It will not help pain, however.

  2. Third-Party Analysis – All reputable businesses that create products from CBD oil will have independent labs conduct a chemical analysis on the oil. This is to show how much CBD is in the oil and whether there are other cannabinoids present as well. This will ensure that THC is below .03% as the law allows for, and will also show if there are any heavy metals that aren’t healthy found in the oil. This can happen if the plants are grown in contaminated soils because hemp is a soil remediation plant. It draws things out of the soil it is grown in and can clean the soil in this way. It doesn’t bode well for you if you want to extract oil from those particular plants, however. Choosing an organic product is best, whenever possible. The FDA regulates organic crops more closely.

  3. Full-spectrum – This means that the entire plant is used to extract the oil from and that all of the cannabinoids that were in the plant are present in the oil. This is considered to be most ideal because the other cannabinoids are also as beneficial as CBD is. We just simply know more about CBD and THC. CBV, CBDVA, and CBG are all wonderful in their own right and we are learning more about their benefits as well. In fact, scientists have learned that when the cannabinoids are present in products together, rather than isolated forms of CBD, they are capable of doing more with greater effectiveness. They work as a team. This is referred to as the Entourage Effect and it is the most desired product. The downside of using a full-spectrum product is that you could still fail a drug test, despite the extremely low, trace amount of THC in these.

Taking these things into consideration, you’re looking for edibles that are made with organic CBD oil. You should look for a label that says they are full-spectrum if you truly want to experience the full effect of pain relief or help with seizures, tremors, IBS symptom help, etc.

The best CBD edibles include CBD gummies, CBD candies, baked goodies, and CBD infused honey, and things that you may not expect at all.

It is important to know that not all CBD edibles are created equally and there are products on the market that just aren’t legitimate or even really made with CBD. If you read the labels, using our tips, you’ll see that some things are being made with hemp seed oil and don’t even contain any CBD oil whatsoever. You know what to look for now.

You also know now that you should look for products made from organically sourced oil. Choosing things made with oils sourced right here in the USA are some of the best and safest that you can find. Imported CBD oil products are often mislabeled and have traces of toxins and heavy metals in them when tested independently.

Don’t use a product that you can’t see third-party testing for. It’s impossible to know if you’re getting real CBD oil if you don’t look for this. It’s also possible that you’re using something that could be harmful without seeing this test. Rather than run any risks of consuming toxins found in some samples coming in from other countries

Do use products that fit your lifestyle and this will ensure you use them CBD infused coffees are wonderful for people who drink coffee every morning and they taste great! CBD coffee creamers, brownies, and even soup recipes exist. There is truly something for everyone. The best CBD edibles are the ones that you enjoy eating and that provide you with the best impact. These will be organic, full-spectrum edibles.

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